FCC participated for yet another year in
the popular “Corre por el Niño 2015” race
organised by Hospital Infantil Universitario
Niño Jesús to raise funds for its Biomedical
Research Foundation.
The Group purchased 100 race bibs for
FCC staff and their companions who parti-
cipated in the race organized on 8 Novem-
ber at Madrid’s El Retiro Park.
In this year’s edition, there was a circuit (1
race bibs
for the 5
“Corre por el Niño”
charity race
kilometre) for youngsters plus two other cir-
cuits: 4 km and the long 10 km (time cycled
with a chip) for adults.
For more information on the race, visit the
http://www.correporelnino.com/.Previous edition
Thanks to the funds raised in the fourth edi-
tion of the race, it was possible to carry out
the following research projects and imple-
ment several healthcare improvements:
A simulation centre comprising two
rooms under the logo: “Before exer-
cising, train”. The Paediatrics Simu-
lation Centre allows professionals to
acquire complex technical skills, inte-
grate knowledge, and train in a rea-
listic environment in order to improve
risk-free healthcare for the patient.
Online Paediatric Intensive Care Unit
(PICU): twenty PICUs participate in
this pilot project which aims to learn
about the benefits of an intensive
paediatrics consultation by phone or
video call in emergencies or in clinica-
lly unstable situations that may requi-
re transfer to the Paediatric Intensive
Care Units (PICUs).
Fever without a clear focus in children
less than 3 years old to study the
activated immunity markers. Thanks
to the funds raised, it was possible
to launch this project which won an
award from the Spanish Paediatric
Emergencies Society.
Run for the child and run for your health.
Practice solidarity and sports
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