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Characteristics of the accident rate in

comparison with last summer

By type of vehicles.

The number of

traffic accident victims who travelled

with a three-wheel vehicles, motor-

cycles, and trucks increased while the

rate of accidents of those travelling in

vans, bicycles, and cars dropped.

The age of the vehicles.

Where tho-

se who suffered mortal accidents tra-

velled continued to increase. The age

of cars was almost 12 years, motor-

cycles 11.2 years, and the age of vans

remained unchanged at 11.8 years.

Type of roads.

The rate of mortal

accidents increased in conventional

roads with only one lane in each direc-

tion, being the roads with the greatest

number of victims (85%) vs. highways

and motorways, even though the rate

of mortal accidents increased in all ty-

pes of roads.

Type of accidents.

Swerving off the

road continues to be the most fre-

quent type of accidents, representing

44% of the total number of deaths

(98 people). Head-on collisions were

the cause of 47 deaths, other types

of collisions resulted in 47 mortal ac-

cidents, and 19 pedestrians died after

being run over.

By age group.

The age of the num-

ber of mortal victims of traffic acci-

dents last summer was between

45 and 54 years old, followed by

25 to 34 years old, and by 35 to 44

years old. Also worth mentioning is

the death of 8 children less than 15

years old and of 27 young people

from 15 to 24 years of age.

Safety accessories.

Thirty of those

who died in traffic accidents involving

cars or vans were not using the safe-

ty belt when the accidents took pla-

ce. In the case of mortal victims who

drove three-wheel vehicles or mo-

torcycles, four were not using safety

helmets and two of the five victims

who were riding a bicycle also failed

to use the safety helmet. At least 18

lives would have been spared if the

victims had used the corresponding

safety accessory.

By autonomous community.

The number of mortal victims in-

creased in Catalonia (+12) and in

the Basque Country (+6), decre-

asing in the other autonomous

communities (-13).

mer months of July and August when 225

people lost their lives in traffic accidents. It

should be borne in mind that traffic increa-

ses significantly over the summer months

and this was particularly the case this year

in comparison with 2014 when there was

an increase in the number of tourists who

drive throughout Spain and the total num-

ber of cars on the road totalled 81.1 million.

W e l l - b e i n g