The Levante ll branch
of FCC Medio Am-
FCC promotes
road safety
and sustainable
The Levante II branch of FCC Medio Am-
biente has focused its recent road safe-
ty campaign, known as “Twelve Months,
Twelve Slogans, One Objective”, on provi-
ding information and creating awareness
on the use of the safety belts and the child
retention systems (RTS), as well as on the
risks of being distracted when seated be-
hind the driving wheel, one of the main cau-
ses of road accidents.
In the month of September, efforts were
focused on reinforcing the messages on
traffic accidents when driving to and from
Medical Units for
Victims of Traffic
Even though the rate of accidents
dropped this summer, many people
were victims of traffic accidents. Sin-
ce last year, the Traffic Department
(DGT, Spanish acronym) is operating
medical units to treat those who are
victims of traffic accidents. Each of
the traffic departments in the va-
rious provinces has a medical unit
that provides legal, social, labour, or
psychological counsel at critical ti-
mes such as after being involved in
a traffic accident. Since the start, the
various units have treated more than
10,000 people. Anyone who requires
this service just has to call 060 or the
telephone number of the traffic de-
partment in their province.
work which requires taking several factors
into account, such as leaving sufficiently
ahead of time to avoid having to rush, lea-
ving problems behind at home or at work
so that we don’t think about them when
driving, and, most importantly, respecting
traffic rules that protect us from having ac-
cidents by minimising risks (respecting spe-
ed limits and signs, using the safety belt,
not talking on the cell phone, etc.).
So far in 2015, according to the Traffic
Department, the total rate of accidents
has dropped even though the figures are
still impressive. Up to 2 September of this
year, there were 727 traffic accident rela-
ted deaths, 16 less than in 2014, despite
the fact that there were five more deaths
than in the previous year during the sum-