W e l l - b e i n g
FCC Medio Ambiente, in keeping with its
commitment to reduce and eliminate traffic
accidents on the way to/from work and on
travel assignments, has published its Stra-
tegic Road Safety Plan 2015-2018.
Most of the jobs at FCC Medio Ambiente
are directly related to traffic either because
most of the day they work as drivers or their
companions, or work on the public road
and, consequently, are exposed to road
traffic, such as sewerage workers or those
whose job entails street cleaning and waste
The aim of this plan is to set out general
guidelines so as to be able to achieve the
objectives defined by management based
on the analysis of safety levels and the
trend over time.
To this purpose, an analysis was performed
on the road safety risk factors that usually
have an impact on the rate of accidents at
FCC Medio Ambiente. An Action Plan was
proposed consisting of a set of preventive
measures that can be implemented to pre-
vent and reduce the rate of traffic accidents.
This set of measures includes four areas:
Road Safety Management
Measures that contribute to improving
control over the risk factors that have
a bearing on the rate of traffic acci-
unveils its
Workers’ attitude and skills.
It is
necessary to improve the skills of wor-
kers in terms of their health as well as
their attitude – behaviour – in order to
be able to have an impact on the hu-
man risk factor.
Measures for the proper
planning in the design phase of the
vehicle, routes, and the location of the
work sites.
Travel to and from work.
relating to the organization of work
with the main objective of efficient tra-
ffic management, reducing the rate of
traffic accidents, taking into account
environmental and health factors.
FCC Medio Ambiente’s Strategic Road Sa-
fety Plan focuses on three aspects:
1.A Safe and Healthy Company.
A safe approach requires working on
three essential aspects:
Safe vehicle.
Safe roads and surroundings.
Safe human behaviours
The design and implementation of Road
Safety programs contributes to improving
the health of people, reducing the number
of pathologies, and improving the quality
of life. Encouraging walking or bicycling in-
creases physical activity and is beneficial for
2.Sustainable company.
Measures such as the preventive
maintenance of vehicles, safe driving
and efficient purchase of more mo-
dern vehicles (taking into account sus-
tainability and safety criteria) among
other measures, contribute to safety
at work and also to the reduction of
emissions to air such as noise, fuel
consumption, and makes it possible
to increase the useful life of vehicles.
At the same time, creating awareness
on Road Safety also leads to more ci-
vic behaviour on the road.
3.Competitive company.
All road safety measures will contribu-
te to increasing the company’s pro-
ductivity, reducing repair costs, incre-
asing the useful life of equipment, and,
certainly, reducing the human and ma-
terial costs relating to traffic accidents.
FCC Medio Ambiente
Strategic Road Safety Plan 2015-2018
Read the FCC Strategic Road
Safety Plan 2014-2018.
See pdf