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Page Background

This is a free-of-charge and professio-

nal telephone and online helpline that

functions 24 hours a day, 365 days a

year nationwide in 52 languages. The

service provides information to wo-

men who are victims of gender violen-

ce, and those who are close to them,

on what to do in the event of abuse,

legal counsel, and information on the

resources available and the rights of

the victims in terms of employment,

social services, financial aid, informa-

tion and aid resources, and safe hou-

ses for those who are victims of this

type of violence.

This service, moreover, is accessible

to those who have hearing or spea-

king impairment who can get in touch

with the 016 number through an SVi-

sual platform with direct and priority

access. Since its implementation,

016 has received a total of 522,549

calls. So far this year, 42,232 people

have called this number. The service

also measures the effectiveness of

the awareness campaigns. Following

the 2015 campaign launched by the

Ministry aimed specifically at adoles-

cents, the number of calls increased

51.4% between March and May (from

5,121 to 7,754).



Equality and Diversity Policy and the FCC

Code of Ethics, both documents were ap-

proved by the Board of Directors.

In addition, all of the Equality Plans of the

FCC Citizen Services Group include a spe-

cific chapter on creating awareness against

gender violence with measures that bolster

the company’s commitment to the incor-

poration of victims in the workforce. FCC

acquires the commitment of training and

informing, facilitating channels for denoun-

cing, disseminating its commitment to the

elimination of gender violence in all available


Lastly, it is worth remembering that in each

25 November, the International Day for the

Elimination of Violence Against Women,

FCC reminds everyone within the Company

to bear in mind its principles and to inform

about its commitment and vision: zero tole-

rance for gender violence and the promo-

tion of social and professional integration of

women who have been victims of this type

of violence.

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