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FCC renews its commitment

to the Diversity Charter


“To be able to work as a team, FCC profes-

sionals must assume that the Company’s

results depend on the work of all the in-

terconnected teams. It also implies being

generous and transparent with our work

methods and results. Understanding that

information belongs to the Company and

sharing it rapidly among the teams...”


“All of us have to negotiate in our sphere

of action and the correct execution of this

competency enables us t obtain better and

more consolidated results. Being able to di-

fferentiate among the positions of interests,

expanding the vision of the negotiation, lis-

tening, maintaining the focus on profit and

on the exchange among the parties can

help us achieve these sustainable results.”


“Delegating is a necessary tool for mana-

ging and developing teams; our respon-

sibility, however, cannot be delegated to

our bosses or to our collaborators. Being

committed to our Company means being

committed to its strategy, to our decisions,

actions, and to the results thereof, expected

or not. Being responsible in our sphere of

action expresses an optimal level of profes-

sional maturity.”


“We talk about earnings-focused, focused

on objectives, about profitable tasks. The

company’s results depend on all the profes-

sionals and on each of the actions that we

carry out. It is vital that each action is mar-

ked by its profitability, that is, that it leads us,

with austerity, towards the expected results,

with efficient procedures and optimal tools”.


“FCC’s leaders are examples for the entire

Company. Focused on results, they know

how to develop their teams with motivation

and with a firm approach. We can all be a bit

of a leader in our sphere of action and can

have an influence and motivate our collea-

gues in the execution of their tasks”.

FCC has reaffirmed its commitment to the

Spanish Diversity Charter for 2015-2017.

Pursuant to this initiative, the Group reinfor-

ces its commitment to the fundamental prin-

ciples of equality, non-discrimination in the

workplace, support of diversity and respect

for individual differences.

FCC subscribed to the principles of the Di-

versity Charter in July 2014, through an ini-

tiative driven by the Group’s Chairwoman,

Esther Alcocer Koplowitz, undertaking to

comply with a set of ten principles and to

impart them with the following values:

To promote conciliation of professional

and personal life.

To raise awareness of the principles

of equal opportunities and respect for

diversity within the boundaries of the

company’s values.

To build a diverse workforce.

To effectively promote discrimination-

free integration at work.

To implement diversity management in

all management policies.

The Diversity Charter is an initiative of the Eu-

ropean Commission Directorate-General for

Justice for the implementation of policies to

tackle discrimination. The Fundación Diver-

sidad, which is promoted by the Fundación

Alares, is exclusively responsible for foste-

ring this initiative in Spain, which responds to

a voluntary code of commitment to support

and promulgate the principles of inclusion,

diversity and non-discrimination in the work-


By joining this initiative, FCC is backing di-

versity management as a business, social

and legal prerequisite.

All of the above in favour of people’s rights

–regardless of their age, origin, religion, se-

xual orientation, race, culture, disability or

gender– ensuring that they have the same

opportunities to access, maintain and be

promoted in work, thereby synthesising both

work and professional life, and all the while

upgrading people’s quality of life and work.

h e g r o u p