New organization
of FCC Aqualia
The Corporate Department
for Spain is set up,
whose manager will be
Santiago Lafuente who
will be reporting directly
to the managing director
Félix Parra
Carlos M. Jarque, the CEO of FCC, appro-
ved a new organization for FCC Aqualia at
the proposal of its managing director, Félix
Parra. The new structure creates the Corpo-
rate Department for Spain which will be ma-
naged by Santiago Lafuente Pérez-Lucas
who will report directly to Mr. Parra. The Ap-
pointments and Remuneration Committee
(ARC) also approved the replacement of Mr.
Lafuente who was the head of Zone I (cen-
tral and northern Spain) by Juan Carlos Rey
The objective of this new organization, ac-
cording to Carlos M. Jarque and Félix Parra,
is to “promote the activity in Spain, with an
improved coordination among the various
zones ad branch offices, simplifying the
decision-making process, improving com-
munication with clients ad partners, and
taking the most advantage of the existing
resources in the FCC Aqualia structure”.
“Encouraging talent and developing the
professional careers of the members of our
company through in-house promotion”, this,
according to the CEO of the Citizen Services
Group, is the philosophy of this new stage in
the Water Division.
The organizational chart of FCC Aqualia
maintains the International Department (hea-
ded by Luis de Lope) who will also report
directly to Félix Parra. According to Jarque,
this aims to “consolidate FCC Aqualia’s
positioning in the national and international
markets where it operates and promote the
development of new markets”. The new
organization implies a more efficient cost
structure in line with the objectives of the
entire Group.
The new FCC Aqualia manager for Spain,
Santiago Lafuente Pérez-Lucas, earned a
civil engineering degree at the Polytechnic
University of Madrid. He joined FCC 25
years ago (in September 1990) and, since
then, has occupied several managerial jobs
always involving the water sector in the na-
tional market. Until now and since 2013, he
was the manager of Zone I.
Lafuente will be reporting directly to Félix
Parra, managing director of FCC Aqualia.
Juan Carlos Rey Fraile, will be taking over
Mr. Lafuente’s job, has a civil engineering
degree from Madrid’s Polytechnic University
specialising in Water Works and Energy and
also has a degree as a technical engineer in
Public Works from the same university. He
joined FCC Aqualia in 1993 and has held
several managerial jobs in the production as
well as in the functional area. Prior to this
new position, he worked at the Castile-Leon
branch office.