M. Jarque
appointed new
Chief Executive
Officer of FCC
The Board of Directors of FCC Group at its
meeting on 18 August, appointed Mr. Car-
los M. Jarque as Chief Executive/CEO of the
group. In her capacity as Chairwoman of the
Board of Directors, Esther Alcocer Koplowitz
expressed her agreement with this ap-
pointment, reiterating that the new CEO has
“the backing and loyalty of the entire Board
and of all at FCC”. She also stressed that
Jarque’s experience and leadership will en-
sure FCC resumes the path towards growth.
At the meeting of FCC’s Board of Directors,
Jarque referred to the challenges and op-
portunities that the company currently faces.
“Hand-in-hand with the Board, we will con-
tinue with the restructuring of FCC and of
its shares with the aim of strengthening the
company financially and operationally”, he
said. Jarque wished the former Chief Exe-
cutive, Juan Béjar, the best of success in his
future endeavours.
Jarque has completed studies in Actuarial
Science, Finance, Economics and Urban
and Regional Planning. He studied for a
Bachelor’s Degree in Anahuac University in
Mexico and completed postgraduate de-
grees in the London School of Economics,
the University of Oslo, the National University
of Australia, and Harvard University.
In a professional context he has been the
manager of Economic Telecommunica-
tions Studies in Mexico, defining economic
and financial premises and supporting the
company’s planning and decision-making
processes. He was the Chairman of the
Inter-sector Commission for Information
and Monitoring of Public Finance in Mexico
which controls and reduces tax deficit. He
also worked in the role of President of the
National Institute of Statistics, Geography
and Informatics (INEGI) and was Secretary
of Mexico’s National Development Plan bet-