FCC completes the section
that completes the
Autovía A-7 del Mediterráneo
FCC has completed building the Carchuna-
Castell de Ferro section, in the province of
Granada, that completes the A-7 Medite-
rranean Highway. President Mariano Ra-
joy and Ana Pastor, the Minister of Public
Works, inaugurated this section; accompa-
nied by José Antonio Madrazo, manager
of FCC Construcción’s Spain South Zone
branch office, Luciano Hidalgo, head of
Andalusia Civil Works, and Ismael Hurtado,
manager of the FCC-Construcciones Vera
joint venture.
This section, now completed, culminates
the work on the 1,440 kilometre long Me-
diterranean Corridor which stretches from
Cadiz to the French Border which makes it
a strategic communication road not just for
Andalusia but also for the entire road net-
work in Spain.
These new 10 kilometres of road make it
possible to connect Almería and Malaga by
road, connecting the entire coast, thereby
providing a faster, more comfortable, and
safer alternative than the N-340 road. The
average 13,502 vehicles that circulate on a
daily basis in this section, with much higher
numbers in the summer months, of which
12% are heavy vehicles, will benefit from
this new infrastructure.
The total budget of this contract is 118.1
million euros. This sum plus the cost of pre-
paring the project, the estimated sum to
be paid for expropriations, and the cost of
the technical assistance for controlling and
supervising the project, amounts to a total
investment of approximately 164.54 million
Further information
This 9.5 km –long section with two 7m-
wide lanes, is part of the A-27 motorway
being built by FCC that connects Tarragona
and Mont Blanc.
The route starts at El Morell and ends in
Valls in the province of Tarragona. It runs
South-North crossing several municipa-
lities, including El Morell, Vilallonga del
Camp, El Rourell, La Masó and Valls.
The junction of the A-27 and the T-722 was
resolved by building two links, El Rourell
The Minister of
Public Works
inaugurates the
new section of
the A-27 road
Tarragona and
and La Masó, plus a two-span overpass
connecting both roundabouts.
The Valls turnaround which connects with
the C-37 road and which can be enlarged
in the future consists of a turnaround with
two overpasses each with 2 spans and 34
metres long.
The section that has been opened to traffic
acts as a extension of road T-722 between
road T-750 (El Morell) and road C-37 from
Valls to Alcover, also as an extension of the
N-240 between the industrial facilities in El
Morell (Refinery and the Industrial Gran Mo-
rell Park) and the Valls industrial park.