The city of Reinosa in Cantabria, which has
a population of slightly more than 10,000
inhabitants, has entrusted FCC Aqua-
lia with the municipal water service over
the next ten years which could be exten-
ded for another fifteen years. The aspects
that the city council valued the post which
made it possible for the Company to win
the contract against the competition of
other specialists such as Oxital, Valoriza
Agua (Sacyr), Aquarbe and the Seys Me-
dio Ambiente-Depuración de Aguas del
Mediterráneo Consortium, were the human
The Spanish Association of Purchasing,
Contracting, and Procurement Professio-
nals (AERCE, Spanish acronym) for the
sixth consecutive year has given out the EL
Diamante de la Compra Prize, an award for
the most notable projects in this purchasing
FCC Group received a special award for
the quality of its Procurement Manage-
ment which is backed and certified by UNE
CWA 15896 Standard (“Procurement Ma-
nagement with Added Value” promoted by
AERCE to encourage the best corporate
practices in Procurement Management
that provides the managers of these de-
partments with the guidelines for making
achieving excellence in their companies.
FCC Aqualia,
10-year end-to-end water management
contract in Reinosa (Cantabria)
from AERCE
José Miguel Barrio, the mayor of Reinosa, and
Santiago Lafuente, manager of Aqualia’s Zone I,
during the contract signing ceremony.
and material resources that would be as-
signed to the service and in the event of
emergencies, coupled with the program for
the maintenance and upkeep of the insta-
The local government also took into accou-
nt the customer service system, the tech-
nical assistance to be provided to the city
council, and the water control and quality
plans as well as those in connection with
occupational hazards and the measures to
be implemented at the facilities to increase
the efficiency, quality and management of
the service.
Pursuant to the agreement, the Company
will have to contribute an initial fee of 1.05
million euros to pay for the maintenance
work involved in this service over the next
10 years and a variable equivalent to 8% of
revenues for the same purpose.
Operating in Reinosa since 1998
FCC Aqualia, which has been providing this
service in Reinosa since 1998, is the leader
in this autonomous region where it mana-
ges the water service in the capital city of
Santander and in other municipalities such
as Santa Cruz de Bezana, Comillas and
Santa María del Cayón.
Furthermore, through its contract with the
public entity Medio Ambiente, Agua, Resi-
duos y Energía de Cantabria S.A., MARE,
it manages 25 wastewater treatment sta-
Recently, Cantabria has also became a na-
tional reference in sustainability thanks to
the study entitled Water Footprint and Vir-
tual Water of Cantabria, an initiative spon-
sored by Fundación Botín carried out in
collaboration with FCC Aqualia and the Go-
vernment of Cantabria. This study unders-
cores that the virtual water of Cantabria is
a net export asset and the great challenge
that the community faces to transform this
water resource into economic and social