h e g r o u p
FCC’s Chairman, Esther
Alcocer expressed
her agreement with this
appointment, reiterating
that the new CEO has
“the backing and loyalty
of the entire Board and of
everyone at FCC”
“The restructuring of FCC
Group and its shares will
continue in order to
strengthen the company
both financially and
operationally”, Mr. Jarque,
the new Chief Executive/
CEO said following
his appointment
ween 1995 and 2000, which was establis-
hed by the Government Program by Presi-
dent Ernesto Zedillo. He also assumed the
position of Minister of Social Development,
directing an extensive range of social pro-
grams and housing initiatives, urban and
regional and territorial development, mana-
ging areas of State and Municipal financial
He managed the Sustainable Development
Division of the Inter-American Development
Bank (IDB). In this position he was respon-
sible for managing the drafting of develop-
ment policies and sectoral strategies of the
IDB and of the technical support for infras-
tructure projects. We was also Secretary of
the body, responsible for institutional gover-
nance processes and the relationship with
the Governing Body (Finance, Economy and
Development Ministers from 48 member
countries of the IDB, including Spain) for the
passing of all IDB’s operations, the capital
increase of the Bank, its restructuring pro-
gramme, and the debt relief programme.
He was representative of the IDB in Europe,
driving, among other tasks, investment and
mobilisation of resources between Europe
and Latin America, mainly with issues con-
cerning water, energy, infrastructure, urban
development, transport and sustainable
cities. He established the Permanent Se-
cretariat of Business Summits between the
European Union-Latin America and moved
the Office of the IDB for Europe, from Paris
to a new headquarters in Madrid, which was
inaugurated by President Rajoy.
Since 2013 he has been the Executive direc-
tor of Corporate, Government and Interna-
tional Relations in América Móvil, supporting
interaction with the Governments and CEOs
of countries within diverse fields. América
Móvil is the biggest private company in Latin
America. It operates within the telecommu-
nications sector of 17 Latin American coun-
tries, as well as in the United States and 10
European countries.
He has been a member of Board of Directors
for Financial Institutions, and worked in com-
panies in the Construction sector, Mining
sector, Real Estate Sector and the sector for
Citizen Services.