Dear colleagues:
The Board of Directors today appointed me
the Chief Executive/CEO of FCC. I don’t want
the day to go by without sending you my cor-
dial regards, even though it is via this venue.
As you know, FCC is a global reference in the
field of Citizen Services, Transport, Water and
Infrastructures, among many other strategic
sectors. Each of you has contributed to this
achievement. There are no smaller contribu-
I recognise the management capabilities
in the different areas and the high technical
expertise of our employees all of which are
essential assets thanks to which FCC is com-
petitive in several fields.
I am aware that there were and there are still
great and important challenges ahead of us.
We have a lot of work to do. We must do it
with discipline and focus on the essential.
I join FCC with great enthusiasm and confi-
dence in the future. Also with the firm desire
of contributing in this stage to the ongoing
construction of a company that is every day
more solid financially and operationally to ac-
complish its mission.
I invite you to work with dedication, ener-
gy and commitment to advance in a road
enables us to improve results and materialise
the new opportunities as they arise. Let us
take advantage of the strength of our team.
The tasks ahead are the responsibility of all
of us.
With kind regards,
Carlos M. Jarque
Letter from Carlos M. Jarque,
the new Chief Executive/CEO of FCC