Social responsibility
FCC joins the campaign
Once again this year, FCC has joined the awareness
campaign against gender violence sponsored by
the Ministry of Health, Social Services
and Equality “If there is a way out from gender
violence, it is thanks to you. JOIN US”
The campaign is aimed at the general population
with the fundamental objective of having all
citizens become involved in achieving a society
free of gender violence and in support
of women who suffer abuse.
of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality
against gender
FCC is committed to the fight against gen-
der violence and want to remind everyone
who works with us that we must keep alert
before any sign of violence against women
in whatever is our area of action.
The Human Resources Department, through
the work of the Equality and Diversity Team,
continues to promote measures aimed at
achieving equality and in the fight against the
social scourge that is gender violence.
This is because we are convinced that
equality is not only a right, but also the best
antidote against gender violence. We do
not want to limit ourselves to denouncing
it; we want to contribute to creating aware-
ness in society on this issue and to have all
FCC people involved in order to reach the
objectives of integrating women who are
victims of gender violence in the workforce.
FCC’s commitment to the fight against gen-
der violence can be summed up as follows:
Zero tolerance for this practice.
Encourage the social and professional
integration of the victims.