Cristina Rodríguez Agudín
Manager of People Development
We interviewed Cristina Rodríguez Agu-
dín, manager of People Development at
the FCC Group for Red de Comunicación
to talk about our recent implementation of
competencies, Leadership, Responsibility,
Teamwork, Earnings-focus, and Negotia-
tion which comprise a set of capabilities
and skills that we, as members of FCC,
must have in order to be able to compete
efficiently and which imply an advantage in
our professional performance beyond the
individual training that each of us may have.
What is the origin of the competencies
The competencies project is a global project,
that is, an international project that involves
all of FCC professionals.
The Corporate Development Department,
whose tools include training, recruitment,
and development processes, has defined
three core objectives:
Redesign the H.R. processes based
on transparent and objective criteria.
Reinforce the FCC profile
Energise the organization
On 13 October last year, the manager of
Organization, Ana Villacañas and I met with
the managers of the H.R. departments of all
business areas and we identified the lines
of actions that would enable us to achieve
these objectives. Jointly, we also selected
the competencies that would govern the
training, recruitment, and development pro-
How was this carried out?
We understood from the start that this pro-
ject could only be successful if it was concei-
ved based on the Group’s vision, taking into
account the specific characteristics of each
of the businesses.
We defined the five competencies and the
various requisites for the different levels with
the collaboration of multidisciplinary teams
comprising professionals from all the divi-
sions and departments.
Not all professionals must have the maxi-
mum level in all competencies since this
will depend on their functions and respon-
sibilities. We feel especially proud of the
teamwork that we developed in this project
in which the different areas, corporate de-
partments, and departments of the com-
pany were involved.
Why is this project being launched at
the FCC Group?
By focusing the organization and our profes-
sions on this model, we will be able to impro-
ve the competitiveness of FCC and also on
an individual basis.
Competencies allow us to define the H.R.
processes efficiently, based on shared crite-
ria known by the entire organization. That is,
from H.R. we want to make it easier for the
The FCC Group competencies model
The competencies defined
by the FCC Group will help
us manage the development
and evolution of employees,
according to their potential,
aspirations and the current
needs of the Company. It will
also enable us to anticipate
future needs by working in a
global manner.
organization to have clear and simple guide-
lines for the attraction and development of
How will this affect us in the future?
It is already affecting us.
In training.
We are now in the phase to
detect the training needs for 2016. In those
multidisciplinary teams, we designed scripts
for interviews with department managers or
directors in which the competencies are al-
ready a key issue to be able to know the tra-
ining needs of his team with respect to those
In in-house mobility.
The levels of compe-
tencies are taken into account in the profile
of the advertised job as well as of the can-
In the future? More.
All of the Group’s de-
velopment processes will be divided into the
five competencies. In successive ones, per-
formance assessments, career plans, etc.
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