From left to right: Lucas Díaz, manager of Zone III; Rafael Rodríguez, Chairman of
the Press Association of Seville; and Clara Navío, chairman of APIA.
The group of journalists during their tour of the WWTP in Seville with Anto-
nio López, manager of the facilities.
Jesús Maza, managing director of Emasesa (left)
who was responsible for the closing speech.
Carlota Córdoba, for the Corporate Com-
munication and Marketing Department of
FCC Aqualia in Zone III gave a speech entit-
led “The exciting challenge of providing in-
formation on water”. She described some
of the difficulties that local media could en-
counter when writing about the water ser-
vice as well as to good practices that could
be of use to them when they prepare tho-
rough information.
The first day of the workshop concluded
with a visit to the La Ranilla Wastewater
Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Seville, built by
FCC and Aqualia in 2009 using the most in-
novative technology. During the tour of the
facilities, Antonio López, manager of the
plant, described the most relevant aspects:
the 90,000 m3/day treatment capacity and
the low environmental impact since odours
and noise are reduced to a minimum be-
cause the facilities are completely covered
and deodorised. It also features a tertiary
treatment to eliminate nutrients and the wa-
ter s used for irrigating a nearby golf course.
Jesús Maza, managing director of Emase-
sa, closed the workshop with a presenta-
tion in which he stressed the importance of
the media’s collaboration with management
companies to disseminate the message for
creating environmental awareness to pre-
vent the improper use of the sewerage sys-
tem for disposing of throw-way towels.
The workshop is in keeping with FCC
Aqualia’s collaboration with APIA to disse-
minate and create awareness among the
community and, particularly journalists on
the activity conducted by the company:
end-to-end water management for its
consumption in households, industry, and