FCC won a prize for its “Daisy. He does not
love me” campaign against gender violence
in the Corporate Social Responsibility ca-
tegory in the 23rd edition of the “The best
100 ideas of the year” prizes awarded by
the magazine Actualidad Económica.
The “Daisy. He does not love me” campaign
was carried out at the end of 2014. It con-
sisted of messages written in the petals of
FCC wins prize for its
“Daisy. He does not love me”
campaign against gender violence
the flower by employees of the Citizen Ser-
vices Group which were then used to form
a giant daisy. Nearly 300 messages where
employees left their words, phrases and
expressions against gender violence were
collected all of which was recorded in a vi-
deo. The campaign was translated into 14
languages and was distributed in the coun-
tries where the Group operates.
The most noteworthy aspect of the FCC
campaign was the participation of emplo-
yees in this initiative which shows and re-
inforces the entire Company’s commitment
to the community and people. FCC bols-
tered its fight against this social disgrace,
stressing the idea of zero tolerance in res-
pect of these practices and the promoting
social and professional integration of the
victims of violence in society.
The “Best Ideas of the Year” award are
granted every year by the magazine Ac-
tualidad Económica. The objective is to
reward the 100 most innovative ideas, in
different categories, which stand out be-
cause of their originality and quality during
the year 2014.
Nearly 300 messages
where employees left
their words, phrases
and expressions against
gender violence were
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r e s p on s i b i l i t y