Environmental issues
FCC Aqualia’s
workshop with
journalists in Seville
Journalistic information on
environmental issues require
specialisation so that its
dissemination is as rigorous and
clear as possible. Sometimes,
however, journalists without
specialised training have to cover
these issues. To help them in their
task, the Asociación de Periodistas
de Información Ambiental
(Association of Environmental
Information Journalists, acronym in
Spanish, APIA) organised an ad hoc
workshop with the
collaboration of FCC Aqualia
specialists which also included a
visit to one of the company’s waste
treatment plant.
A journalist often has to cover topics which
are not in his area of expertise. To impro-
ve the quality of environmental information,
APIA organised an environmental infor-
mation workshop with the collaboration of
FCC Aqualia jointly with the Biodiversity
Foundation of the Ministry of Agriculture,
Food, and the Environment, the Federation
of Mass Media Associations (FAPE, Spa-
nish acronym) and the Press Association of
The workshop was held at the end of April
at the headquarters of the Press Associa-
tion of Seville. Journalists were given prac-
tical resources and tools on environment-
related issues to increase their knowledge
in specific issues such as water, or broader
topics, such as climate change.
Lucas Díaz, Director of FCC Aqualia’s Zone
III, participated in the inauguration event
jointly with Rafael Rodríguez, the chairman
of the Press Association of Seville, and Cla-
ra Navío, chairman of APIA. In his presen-
tation, Lucas highlighted “the important role
played by Aqualia in Andalusia as a specia-
lised company, contributing added value by
developing its own R+D+I projects such as
All Gas, or providing technology as a tech-
nological partner”.