FCC Construcción Chile receives the
‘honour roll’ ’
in the prevention of
occupational hazards
FCC involved in drafting
the guide on corporate
good practices in accessibility
FCC Construcción Chile was awarded the
Honour Roll for the Prevention of Occupa-
tional Hazards by Mutual de Seguridad and
the Cámara Chilena de la Construcción
(CChC) thanks to its management of oc-
cupational hazards. The company was dis-
tinguished in the 5-star category for having
achieved excellence in the occupational ha-
zards prevention in the period from January
to December 2014 in accordance with the
bases established by the entity.
Occupational safety is one of the pillars in
the operations of companies that are mem-
bers of CChC. For this reason, the Chilean
Asociación Española de Servicios de Pre-
vención Laboral (the Spanish Association of
Occupational Hazard Prevention, AESPLA)
unveiled the “Guide on good corporate
practices in accessibility”, a document that
aims to contribute to improving the work
conditions of people with disabilities by eli-
minating architectural an communication
barriers in the work place and to encourage
businessmen to take these into account.
The guide, in which FCC participated as
a member of AESPLA, was supervised by
Centro de Referencia Estatal de Autono-
mía Personal y Ayudas Técnicas (CEAPAT),
an organization attached to the Ministry of
Health and supported by the Seres Foun-
dation (Responsible Society and Compa-
nies). The guide was approved by the Na-
tional Institute of Safety and Health at Work
and by the Safety and Health regional insti-
tutes of the Madrid, Cataluña, and Valencia.
One of the chapters of this document is de-
dicated to mobility within the work place,
offering universal criteria and good prac-
tices, such as the necessary interaction
Mutual entity commemorates the Construc-
tion Week by awarding the Honour Roll in
Hazard Prevention to companies that stand
out in their performance in this respect.
The award, granted jointly by Mutual de
Seguridad and the CChC aims to be a re-
ference for companies in the construction
between accessible pedestrian walkways
and the work place and another one on the
accessibility in communication and infor-
mation systems.
The document also includes good practi-
ces that have already been implemented
so that these can serve as an example for
other companies when they decide to un-
dertake accessibility-related projects.