The Catalunya ll branch office of the Environment Division
receives an award for Good Practices
in Promoting Health at Work
The National Institute of Safety and Health
at Work (Instituto Nacional de Seguridad
e Higiene en el Trabajo, INSHT, Spanish
acronym), as a member of the European
Network for Workplace Health Promotion,
also occupying the chairmanship, in which
national safety and health institutes partici-
pate as well as players in the field of public
health of all EU member states, launched
the “Spanish Network of Healthy Com-
panies” in order to recognise the work of
companies who promote the improvement
of health and well-being at the workplace
an a culture of health and the exchange of
corporate experiences.
Along these lines, a work group was crea-
ted by representatives of the Ministry of
Health, Social Affairs and Equality, the High
Council of Sports, and the Autonomous
Communities, in order to assess the acti-
vities of companies and organizations in
order to recognise their work by awarding
them a certificate, on an annual basis, for
good practices in health promotion.
A seminar was organized on 16 April at the
INSHT headquarters as the meeting point
for public administrations, corporate or-
ganizations and safety and health at work
technicians where the results of the 2014
project were unveiled and the awards giving
to the companies whose work in this field
was recognised.
The Cataluña II Branch Office of the Envi-
ronment Division was rewarded for its work
to date as a model of Good Practices in
the Promotion of Safety and Health at the
Workplace. Montse Gómez, a physician
at FCC, also participate in the event and
described the management at the branch
office which has also received the AENOR
Healthy Company certificate.
Details of the presentation by the speakers
and posters of the Technical Seminar “Spa-
nish Network of Healthy Companies: the
road to workers comprehensive health” are
available at the INSHT website.
Jesús Padullés, the manager of the branch
office was present at the event and collec-
ted the award, showing his support for the
initiatives implemented by the Cataluña II
office and which are being promoted and
developed by the Medical Service in Tarra-
En la web del INSHT, están disponibles las
reseñas, presentación de los ponentes y
posters de la Jornada Técnica: “Red espa-
ñola de empresas saludables: un camino
hacia la salud integral de los trabajadores”.
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