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FCC, a reference

in promoting

the Healthy Company

verting these into an opportunity to improve

efficiency and competitiveness.

Health at the workplace:

Some of the aspects of promoting health at

the workplace which have a positive impact

on a company’s earnings performance are:

Incrementar la participación de la planti-

lla en el proceso de mejora de la organiza-

ción del trabajo y del entorno laboral.

Implementing organizational measures to

enhance the well-being at the workplace

based on work-life balance policies and

flexible work schedules.

Encouraging healthy food habits at work,

providing information on nutrition and

offering healthy meals in the cafeterias

or providing the appropriate installations

and services.

Creating awareness on addictive subs-

tances that are harmful for our health,

such as, for example, tobacco, offering

stop-smoking programs and prohibiting

smoking at all of the company’s facilities

and buildings.

Promoting mental health, offering ac-

tivities and training to avoid stress and

tension as well as psychological support


Stressing and promoting physical activity

and an active and healthy work attitude.

Creating awareness on controlling our

health, offering medical check-ups to

control risk factors of cardiovascular

diseases, high blood pressure, or high

cholesterol levels.

Healthy companies are

those that are able to face

the costs incurred due to

diseases such as chronic

ones and those related

to the ageing of the

population and non-healthy

habits, converting these into

opportunities to improve

efficiency and


Juan Carlos Sáez de Rus, manager

of the Safety, Health, and Welfare de-

partment during one of his presenta-


Promoting and sharing our experience and

management of the company as a health-

promoting agent are among the activities in

the company’s healthy company strategy.

Juan Carlos Sáez de Rus, manager of the

Safety, Health, and Welfare department, re-

presenting the company, participated in se-

veral of the seminars on the various practi-

ces and approaches which companies are

implementing for managing safety, health,

and well-being and its positive impact on

aspects such as the productivity, com-

mitment, and satisfaction of employees.

FCC was invited by the Valencia Safety and

Health at the Workplace Institute (INVAS-

SAT) to collaborate in the technical semi-

nar on “Healthy Organizations” to promote

health at the workplace as a modern cor-

porate strategy aimed at preventing occu-

pational hazards, increasing the individual

capacity of the working population to main-

tain their health and quality of life by provi-

ding the necessary means and resources

for achieving this objective.

During the seminar, the idea that the com-

bined efforts of businessmen, workers, and

the community to improve the health and

welfare of people was defended since it

offers great results, not only be reducing

the rate of diseases and related costs, but

also by increasing productivity, the quality

of life, and the number of healthy and moti-

vated individuals.

Along the same lines, FCC participated in

the 2nd Seminar on the Healthy Company

focused on results which was organised

by Medycsa. The company participated in

this event jointly with Universidad Rey Juan

Carlos and Universidad Internacional de

Catalunya, as well as with the companies

Corporate Excellence, Vodafone and Gru-

po Mutua Madrileña.

Healthy companies are those that are able

to face the costs incurred in treating chro-

nic diseases associated with the ageing of

the population, non-healthy lifestyles, con-