Cristina García,
manager of FCC
Construccion’s Prevention service
The Spanish Quality Association, through
its AEC Prevention of Occupational Ha-
zards Committee, organized the second
edition of the Congress on the Prevention
of Occupational Hazards in Zaragoza un-
der the slogan: Prevention of Occupational
Hazards in the 21st Century: Challenges,
Commitments, and Opportunities.
Cristina García, manager of FCC
Construcción’s Prevention Department and
vice-chairman of the Committee on the
Watch vídeo:
participates in the Congress on the Prevention of
Occupational Hazards held in Zaragoza
Prevention of Occupational Hazards of the
Spanish Quality Association, participated in
the working group: Organization and Ma-
nagement of Prevention of Occupational
The challenges faced by companies, ins-
titutions, and workers in the prevention
of occupational hazards were discussed
in the congress. Also, the 20 years of the
enactment of the Act on the Prevention of
Occupational Hazards in Spain were com-
Issues of the maximum interest were the to-
pic of the round table discussions, including
the coordination of corporate activities, the
present and future of prevention associa-
tions, corporate culture and commitment,
road safety, and occupational and public