Balearic Islands:
0.0 drugs
at work
Road safety,
person-to-person, month-by-month
The desalination plant in Ibiza was the ve-
nue chosen for presenting to department
and plant managers and supervisors in the
Balearic Islands the awareness campaign
against the consumption of alcohol and
drugs which was launched by the Safety
and Health Department.
The objective is achieving a safer, healthier,
and more productive workplace, reducing
The Aragón and Levant II branch offices
of the Environment Division continue every
month with the Road Safety Campaign
known as “Twelve months, twelve slogans,
one objective” and the topics that have
been already discussed such as adverse
weather conditions, the use of the cell pho-
ne, 0.0 alcohol and drugs, vans and trucks,
plus the subjects added in recent months:
motorcycles and bikes, and speed.
These campaigns, besides providing gra-
phic and audio-visual information, include
talks before the work day begins. The ob-
jective is to create awareness and inform
the staff on the risks and consequences of
some of the factors involved in traffic acci-
dents, current law and compliance thereof
and the contemplated sanctions; published
information and campaigns conducted by
official organizations with which FCC colla-
borates in its dissemination, etc. This has
encouraged the participation of employees
at many work centres and their involvement
in order to drive more safely and to have a
greater perception of the risks behind the
driving wheel. For further information, visit
FCC’s Road Safety Portal.
The participants during the event.
the accident rate, absenteeism, and sick
leave while improving and promoting inter-
labour relations, the environment at work,
and the sense of belonging to the company.
The event also served to remind those
attending of the role of the supervisor in
ensuring compliance with the Law on the
Prevention of Occupational Hazards; the
Preventive Resource (operator with spe-
cific training who helps in the supervision
of tasks implying certain risk), the repor-
ting and investigation of accidents, or the
control of absenteeism, among other res-
ponsibilities. A practical training session on
asbestos and work at heights were also
conducted during the seminar.