Preventing accidents in the water
Advice from the Spanish Drug and
Health Product Agency
The start of the summer also means the
start of the season for going to the beach,
pools, lakes and rivers where many decide
to enjoy their leisure time. Recreational wa-
ter activities such as swimming, fishing and
other water sports are very beneficial for the
health of people of all ages.
Nevertheless, we know that these places
of leisure and enjoyment can also be the
cause of injuries which can be quite serious
or even fatal. These serious injuries, drow-
ning, cranial traumatism, and spine injuries,
are mostly caused by imprudent behaviour
or in a moment of carelessness when ta-
king care of minors. Most of these injuries,
MSSS1 Brochure: Enjoy water
and avoid risks. Family Guide
10-tips for swimmers
European Alliance Guide:
Protecting children and
youngsters in recreational
water activities.
however, can be avoided or their effects
can be minimised by adopting a safe attitu-
de and by following the recommendations
of experts such as:
1. Adults should constantly watch and be
close to minors, when in the water or
when playing near it.
2. Use a lifesaving jacket if you don’t
know how to swim or, even if you
know, when you practice any water
3. Respect the meaning of the flags and
the indications of the lifesavers.
4. Do not drink alcohol when engaging in
any activity in the water.
5. Do not swim at night.
6. Always swim accompanied by some-
body else.
7. Know the depth of the water before
8. Avoid diving or jumping in murky water.
9. Avoid bathing in areas where there are
water currents.
These and other tips are available at: