Social responsibility
The Ministry of Health, Social Affairs and
Equality awarded FCC Industrial e Infraes-
tructuras Energéticas, S.A.U. the seal of
Equality in the Company.
This seal of excellence serves as a stimu-
lus and recognition of companies that are
committed to equality and which have im-
plemented policies aimed at promoting it
throughout all corporate areas.
The seal was awarded after assessing the
criteria for the implementation and results
of the measures contemplated in Equali-
ty plans, the definition of procedures and
criteria for periodical assessment of these
plans, the application of positive measures
to actively promote equal opportunities of
men and women, the policy in place at the
FCC Group against harassment at the work
place, the dissemination of campaigns aga-
inst gender violence, and the incorporation
of women who have been victims of gender
violence, as well as the training actions for
joining the workforce and those focused on
promoting the incorporation of women in
managerial positions.
FCC Industrial e Infraestructuras Energéti-
cas signed its first Equality Plan, in force un-
til 31 December 2016, with the trade unions
CCOO and UGT at the end of 2012. The
award of this seal reinforces the change un-
dertaken at FCC Industrial e Infraestructu-
ras Energéticas in line with the FCC policies
that promote the development and profes-
sional performance of its workers ensuring
equal opportunities.
FCC Industrial e Infraestructuras Energéticas
awarded the Seal
of Equality
In the centre, María Sánchez, manager of Human
Resources at FCC Construcción.