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The Aqualia Educational Notebook:

Trained children,

responsible adults

For more than 34 years, Aqualia has been

disseminating knowledge and building

awareness among young people so that

they acquire responsible use of water both

in terms of consumption as well as on re-

turning it to its natural state by means of

treatment processes. Education on water

management activity is essential so that

youngsters adopt a careful attitude in res-

pect of the consumption of this resource.

At Caltaqua, the FCC Aqualia subsidiary in

the Island of Sicily, a new communication

tool was designed, the “Aqualia Educatio-

nal Notebook” which will make it possible

to continue this work at all the cities and

towns where the company operates. It is a

Schoolchildren during their visit to Caltaqua’s facilities where they were given a copy of the Aqualia

Educational notebook.

Education is an essential

factor to ensure that

children gain awareness

on water consumption.

With this objective,

Caltaqua, FCC Aqualia’s

subsidiary in Sicily,

distributed the “Aqualia

Educational Notebook” to

the children who came

to the open door seminar

at the Caltanissetta (Italy)


practical notebook that children can take

home and, this way, parents can also assu-

me the sense of responsibility on the use of

water. In a simple and fun way, youngsters

learn about the process, from the capturing

of water to its return to the natural medium.

The notebook has been distributed in other

countries, including Spain, since it is the

ideal support for interacting with children,

the preferred target public for FCC Aqualia.

S o c i a l

r e s p on s i b i l i t y