The AEC medal
awarded to
Sánchez Salinero
Aurelio Blasco, managing director
of FCC Ámbito,
new chairman of ASEGRE
The Asociación Española de la Carretera
(Spanish Road Association) awarded Ig-
nacio Sánchez Salinero, deputy managing
director of MATINSA, the Medal of Honour
in recognition for his professional work at an
event held last 10 July at the auditorium of
the Civil Engineers’ Association in Madrid.
Sánchez Salinero has a doctorate degree in
Civil Engineering from the Universidad Poli-
técnica de Madrid, a Master of Science and
PhD from the University of Texas in Austin.
He is one of the first promoters of compre-
hensive road conservation in Spain and is
considered as one of the country’s experts
The Asociación de Empresas Gestoras de
Residuos y Recursos Especiales (ASEGRE,
Spanish acronym), has named Aurelio Blas-
co, managing director of FCC’s (FCC Ámbi-
to) Industrial Waste Division since 2003, the
new chairman of this association. The new
chairman takes the place of Santiago Ortiz
who was the chairman during 2014.
in monitoring and managing paved roads.
He has broad national and international ex-
perience in this field.
He joined MATINSA in 1995 as the mana-
ger of the department for the Comprehen-
sive Conservation of Roads for the Ministry
of Development, the regional government
of Castile and León, the Autonomous Com-
munity of Madrid, and the Empresa Nacio-
nal de Autopistas y Peaje and, in 2001, was
named deputy managing director of MATIN-
SA. He was formerly the managing director
and member of the Steering Committee of
Holder of an Industrial Engineering degree
from Universidad Politéctnica of Barcelona,
the new ASEGRE chairman has developed
his professional career in the waste and wa-
ter treatment sector for more than 30 years,
of which, 26 years have been at FCC. Blas-
co also obtained a post-graduate degree in
general management from the IESE busi-
ness school.
Aurelio Blasco has detailed the ASEGRE’s
plans for this year, all of which are focused
on improving the treatment of special waste
and the remediation of contaminated soils.
In the last five years, the drop in industrial
activity coupled with the incorrect handling
of waste due to lack of control by the public
powers, has led to a decrease in the activity
of about 50% and the loss of half the jobs.
The main task of the new chairmanship is
to seek the maximum collaboration with
the administrations to define environmental
inspection criteria nationwide with the key
objective of controlling the traceability of
waste. One of the other main challenges of
ASEGRE is to modify the responsibility of
the waste producer to include its complete
Blasco also considers it necessary to stan-
dardise the treatment throughout the na-
tional territory with the focus on clarity and
rigour. To this end, he proposes standardi-
sing the environmental monitoring to en-
courage recycling.
In addition, in view of the recent approval of
the royal decrees on the Transfer of Was-
te and Electric and Electronic Apparatus
Waste (RAEE, Spanish acronym), ASEGRE
will be intensifying its training activities. The
association has collaborated intensely in
drafting the Methodological Guide for acti-
vities involving the management of hazar-
dous and non-hazardous waste published
by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the