FCC Construcción, through its training de-
partment, has been developing since March
2015 a new training program, known as the
“International Program for Manager Deve-
lopment” focused on enhancing capabili-
ties and providing updated tools to profiles
whose role implies management of interna-
tional construction projects.
“The change from the technical role to that
of a project manager has been a determi-
nant factor when designing and structuring
the training program. For the Training De-
partment, the experience acquired on a day
to day basis should be supplemented with
high-impact training by professionals with a
reputable track record. The careful selection
of participants and the collaboration of the
speakers was essential for the launching
and progress achieved by the project”, Fer-
nando Morales, from FCC Construcción’s
training department explained.
The objective of this training program is to
achieve a twofold impact: one, at the tra-
ining level by increasing knowledge and
skills; and, two, in the work environment as
a way to boost motivation and confidence
in the work teams.
“The International Program for Mana-
ger Development” is in keeping with the
Company’s strategy of preparing our em-
ployees so that they are able to face the
new challenges in international projects.
The program is divided into four major
areas of knowledge: Legal, People, Econo-
mic-Financial, and Languages. This covers
the critical areas of knowledge required to
train the Project Manager of the future”,
María Sánchez, Manager of the Human Re-
sources Department of FCC Construcción,
The training sessions, offered on a monthly
basis, count with the participation of im-
portant schools and professionals in the
sector, including human resources con-
sultants such as MRC Training and People
Excellence, or financial and legal academic
institutions such as the Centro de Estudios
Financieros (CEF) and the International Fi-
nancial Training Centre (CIFF).
The range of profiles included in the pro-
gram include project managers, de-
partment heads, heads of production and
technicians responsible for the execution of
projects with broad experience and with a
global vision of the business.
Fernando Morales
FCC Construcción’s Training
María Sánchez
Director of FCC Construcción’s
Human Resources Department
Vicente Mohedano
Managing Director of
FCC Construcción