Gonzalo Gómez
Mulero, manager
of the Planning
“Cost control per operation will mark an im-
portant qualitative leap in the financial ma-
nagement of our Company’s projects by
enabling project managers to have monthly
data comparing the foreseen and the actual
costs of the most relevant operations and,
consequently, having better information for
making decisions that make it possible to
correct the possible variations in compari-
son with the estimates in the annual budget.
At the same time, this new work method
will provide the project teams with better
knowledge on the projects both in the initial
planning stage as well as in the monthly mo-
nitoring of the planning.
The process implies a cultural change at
FCC Construcción since it standardises the
cost control per unit instead of by their na-
ture and this will materialise in the creation
of an IT tool that will deployed in phases
throughout the projects managed by FCC.
In this sense, training becomes an essen-
tial aspect so that people involved in cost
control at the projects (managers, heads of
production, administrative staff, project ma-
nagers, department managers and repre-
sentatives) know the mew methodology and
act accordingly”.
Jacinto Alcalde,
manager of
“The new Cost Control per Operations tool
automates information thereby freeing the
administrative staff from the mechanical
work that had to be performed up to now.
Their main functions after the tool has been
implemented will be: prior recognition of
where each cost will be allocated (bids, allo-
cation of the line of orders of the established
control unit), monitor personnel (identifying
their location, work schedule…) and work
with concepts such as ‘single entry of data’,
‘single machine’, and ‘user’s register’. In
short, the administrative staff will be able to
know the project and will be involved in the
cost control that must be aligned with the
financial planning”.