FCC Industrial wins a new contract from the NATO
Communications and Information Agency
An FCC-built building,
the first Spanish project
to be awarded the LEED
platinum sustainability seal
The NATO Communications and Informa-
tion Agency (NCI Agency) awarded FCC In-
dustrial a new contract for the provision of
TOPFAS information development services
worth nearly 10 million euros. The project
is to be executed over a three-year period.
The agreement signing ceremony was held
at the NATO headquarters in Brussels and
counted with the participation of the mana-
ging director of FCC Industrial, Pablo Collo,
the Chief of Staff of the DMission General
Agency, Luis Adrey, and Spain’s permanent
ambassador to NATO, Miguel Ángel de
Cárcer, and other personalities.
The TIER IV Processing Centre in Murcia,
completely built by FCC Industrial, was
awarded the LEED (Leadership in Energy &
Environmental Design) platinum sustaina-
bility seal. This certificate, issued by the
US Green Building Council rewards
excellence in energy and environ-
mental efficiency.
The LEED platinum seal, the maxi-
mum distinction obtained up to
now by a building in Spain, recog-
nises that Murcia’s Data Centre
complies with the set of standards
for implementing strategies aimed
at sustainability in the construction,
start up and subsequent functioning of
a project.
The facilities have a modular design com-
prising two bodies and an ancillary module
housing the IT department of El Corte In-
gles and the IT technologies company KIO
Networks. For this architectural complex
FCC Industrial designed a project focused
on energy efficiency, the use of alternative
energies, the improvement of the indoor
TOPFAS, the acronym for Tool for Opera-
tional Planning Functional Area Service is
a group of software tools that facilitate the
development of NATO’s operational plans,
systems analysis, evaluation of operations,
and reports.
TOFAS improves the exchange of informa-
tion and data and their availability ensuring
the quality of the information exchanged in
order to enable the decision-making pro-
cess in a collaborative manner and distri-
buted among the various levels of NATO.
FCC Industrial is responsible for the Engi-
neering and development of the software
tools, as well as for the support, implemen-
tation, and training at the different NATO lo-
cations where the system is to be installed.
environmental quality, efficient use of water,
the sustainable development of the outdoor
areas of the complex, and the selection of
materials. The Company also created a
cooling system for the IT rooms for maxi-
mising energy savings. The centre has a
99,995% availability rate, that is, without
hardly any interruptions and is one of the
safest data processing buildings. With this
project, which had a 3 million euro budget
for construction and was built in a record
time of six months, the Citizen Services
Group confirms its wager on R+D+I in-
LEED is a system for certifying sus-
tainable buildings that was deve-
loped by the US Green Building
Council. Implemented in 1998, it
is applied in several countries to
assess the environmental perfor-
mance of a building over the course
of time, subject to the most deman-
ding environmental standards world-
wide. The final assessment is made by
the US Green Building Council (USGBC),
a non-profit organization that promotes the
implementation of excellence practices in
sustainable construction.
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