is working to standardise the cost
control culture at the projects
Let’s assume that the manager of a project
or of any other FCC activity considers the
following question on the operations that
he is executing: What is the planned costs
per operation? In this case, the project ma-
nager has the necessary planning in order
to provide an answer. Nevertheless, if the
question is: What is the actual cost of these
operations? Or: Are there any cost varia-
tions? The current system in place at FCC
does not provide this information and the
project manager depends on his own con-
trols in order to be able to respond to the
question. If he has these, he will reply, if not,
he would not be able to do so.
Knowing the actual costs per operation that
we execute is necessary in order to impro-
ve the profitability of our projects or of any
other activity that we engage in. Only by
controlling costs and comparing these aga-
inst the budgeted costs of the operations
are we able to have the necessary informa-
tion to make decisions on a timely basis.
FCC Construcción’s
Control Unit