The Control Unit
of FCC Construcción
The Control Unit is, according to Ra-
món Gómez Andrio, as explained by
Ramón Gómez Andrio, the Control Unit
“is in charge at FCC Construcción of
carrying out the following functions:
designing and implementing a new cul-
ture of cost control per operation; mo-
nitoring the key control information of
Block 1 on a monthly basis and every
four months; preview of results of Block
2; scorecards of Block 3; Forecast and
follow-up on-site (countries / branch
offices / projects of the two previous
Gómez Andrio remarked that “three
keys ensure that this methodology
functions successfully: (1) the correct
definition of the catalogue of operations
at each project with a number of ope-
On 21 April, the Control Unit met with the
heads of six selected pilot projects at FCC’s
Las Tablas headquarters to test the tool for
when it becomes available.
• Vallirana Road (Barcelona).
• San Claudio Wastewater
Treatment Plant (Asturias).
• Road maintenance,
Setúbal district (Portugal).
• Arroyo de la Charca – Grimaldo
(Cáceres) high-speed railway
• Madrid Networks (FCC Industrial).
These are six entirely FCC or managed joint
ventures and their role in the process is,
according to Vicente Mohedano, managing
director of FCC Construcción, “essential
for fine-tuning the tool that will contribute
to having rigorous information on the pro-
Other projects will receive training further
down the road. The teams of these projects
must implement the control methodology
for 100% of the direct cost per operations
as of the month of May, inclusive.
“Thanks to this”, Gómez Andrio ensured,
“the pilot projects will have a monthly re-
port on the actual cost to be able to com-
pare the real unit cost with the foreseen
cost for each operation. This information is
very valuable so that we may take imme-
diate action as well as to accumulate the
knowledge of the company and have own
cost references that could be used in future
Currently, the definition of the cost control
per operation tool is at a very advanced
stage and its programming is already in
Once the tool becomes available, the
teams from the pilot projects will receive
specific training on the use of the tool and
they will be the first to use it and verify that it
functions correctly. When the testing phase
is completed at the pilot projects, it will be
deployed in other equivalent projects (those
of FCC and those of managed joint ventu-
Since November 2014, the Control Unit has
been explaining the methodology for cost
control per operation to nearly 400 people
from practically all areas of FCC Construc-
Meeting with the heads
of six pilot projects
rations that should be the one that is ne-
cessary to ensure the detailed cost con-
trol, although not excessive to enable to
the correct allocation of all the project’s
resources; (2) the strict allocation on a
daily basis of the actual cost; and, (3) the
involvement of the project team, from
the supervisors to the project manager”.
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