Opinion of the managers of the other
divisions collaborating
in the implementation of this tool
Fernando Morales,
head of
training at
FCC Construcción
José Luis Montero,
ClO of FCC
Construcción and
Paula Fernández,
Project manager
“In the new cost control model, training acts
as an element to communicate the new phi-
losophy and supports the implementation of
the new cost tool.
The deployment of training associated with
the tool will be made in collaboration with the
key users of the company. These individuals
will participate in a broad training process,
combining training actions of the new cost
model and the tool with training of the trai-
ners that is necessary in order to provide this
training at the work sites”.
“The new tool is being developed and im-
plemented within the current SAP Integra
System (Financial management control and
planning system of the FCC Group= as a
vertical tool that will enable the project ma-
nager to identify the operations catalogue
of direct cost with which he will control its
management as well as budget the indirect
concepts that he believes that he will need in
order to execute his project.
The system will have a unified list of indi-
rect concepts. The operations catalogue of
direct costs, however, could be defined by
the project manager according to his control
requirements. The system reports, therefo-
re, will make it possible to analyse the cost
variations per operation, both direct and in-
direct costs, comparing these with the plan-
ned and actually allocated costs”.
Consequently, FCC plans to implement a
new cost control methodology per ope-
rations supported by an IT tool the use of
which is standard in the company and, the-
refore, part of its culture. In the words of
Vicente Mohedano, managing director of
FCC Construcción, “if we sell something
without knowing its cost, we don’t know if
we are making a profit or a loss, and if we
know it after the sale has been made, there
is now possible way to react”.
Up to now, projects used planning units
different from the units for the allocation of
the actual costs. The main objective of FCC
Construcción’s Control Unit is to implement
a methodology at the projects that coincide
with the units for planning and for alloca-
ting actual costs so that project managers
can control the variations and can act as
soon as possible to improve the results of
the project. These units are known as cost
operations and the group of a project’s ope-
rations is called the operations catalogue.
To achieve this, since October 2014, the
Control Unit is leading a process that im-
plies the collaboration with the following
Control Unit.
Human Resources (Training).
Corporate Administration and Finance