Pastor, in the presence of the president of
Metro of Panama, Roberto Roy, the cha-
racteristics of the new line 2 and of all the
other works being executed by the Group
of Citizen Services in the Central American
For her part, Ana Pastor congratulated
FCC for this award, making reference at the
same time to the group of works that Spa-
nish companies are developing in Panama.
The project awarded to FCC and Odebrech
will have 16 stations and 21 kilometres of
elevated rails connecting the stations from
the district of San Miguelito with the sector
of the 24 December. This project will bene-
fit approximately half a million people in the
Eastern sector of Panama.
FCC has an extensive experience in Metros,
having already built the first line in Panama
and being a part now of the construction
of lines 4, 5 and 6 of Riyadh Metro, of the
Metro Red Line in Doha, and of Metro line
2 in Lima, as well as the Metros of Toronto
and Bucharest, among others.
FCC has broad experience in metros,
having built the first line in Panama
and currently involved in the construc-
tion of lines 4, 5, and 6 of the Riyadh
metro, the red line of Doha Metro, line
2 of Lima Metro, as well as those in
Toronto, Bucharest, and other loca-
Broad experience
FCC and Odebrecht won the tender
with a bid of 1,650 million Euros and a
total scoring of 855.98 out of a total of
1,000 in the whole of the technical and
financial bid. Specifically, the financial
bid was of 1,858 million dollars (1,650
million Euros) against a reference price
of 1.818 million dollars (over 1,610 mi-
llion Euros) set by the Metro Secretary.
The exclusion range for bidders was
set at 20% in both upper and lower
The contract for the construction of
line 2 of Panama Metro consists of
the services of engineering design,
the construction of civil works, the an-
cillary facilities of the line, the supply
and installation of integrated rail sys-
tems including rolling stock and the
line launching.
The best offer
u s i n e s s