FCC Aqualia
secures new contracts
FCC Aqualia has secured various contracts
in Spain over the past few months. The
most relevant one is 8-year contract for
end-to-end water management in in Villa-
viciosa (Asturias). Aqualia, which has been
managing the water supply of this munici-
pality since 1987 expands its services by
incorporating the 250 km long sewerage
system and management of various small
treatment plants. It will also be in charge of
the start-up of the new facilities that will be
supplying water from Consorcio de Aguas
de Asturias (Cadasa).
FCC Aqualia also bolsters its position in
Murcia with the extension of the Municipal
Supply and Sewerage Service of Pliego un-
til 2022.
The Company has been providing servi-
ces in Pliego since 2002 to a population of
nearly 4,000 and will be executing a project
in the near future to prevent water leaka-
ges. The Citizen Services Group thereby
bolsters its positioning in the region of Mur-
cia where it operates in 14 cities and towns
and provides serves to more than 210,000
The expanding municipality of Roselló
(Lérida) has again placed its trust in FCC
Aqualia until 2026. The company has been
operating there for several years, improving
management of the system and optimising
the cost of water for the town. The new
contract contemplates the creation of a so-
cial tariff to provide access to potable water
supply to families at the risk of social ex-
clusion. Besides supplying water to the po-
pulation of Roselló, FCC Aqualia supplies
wholesale water through the Mancomunitat
de Pinyana.
FCC Aqualia increases its presence in
Asturias, where it already provides servi-
ces in 47 of the 78 counties in the Prin-
cipality. These include management of
Oviedo’s Municipal Water Service and
those of other large cities such as Lan-
greo through a mixed enterprise compri-
sing the City Council and FCC Aqualia.
This year, FCC Aqualia was also awar-
ded several contracts in Peñamellera
Alta Amieva, and the sports centre in Vi-
llaviciosa. In Peñamellera Alta and Amie-
va, the city council decided to outsour-
A reference company that grows in Asturias
ce the water management service to a
specialised company in order to enhan-
ce efficiency, improve the installations,
comply with the requisites contemplated
in Spanish Royal Decree 140/2003, and
apply certified policies in the prevention
of occupational hazards.
Villaviciosa also placed its trust in FCC
Aqualia which will managing its indoor
municipal swimming pool, adjacent faci-
lities, and several sports activities.
Inés Gómez Arnaldo, Environmental Quality Technician, and José Narciso Camino Orlyes (water
meter reader).