“Entrepreneurs Learn and
Undertake Classroom”
The second edition of the “Aula de Empren-
dedores Aprende y Emprende” (“Entrepre-
neurs Learn and Undertake Classroom”)
program was organised where people with
disabilities are able to develop their busi-
ness initiatives. This initiative, sponsored by
the Fundación Prevent and ESADE, was
created with the aim of providing training
and supporting entrepreneurs who have a
disability and various professional profiles:
TICS, health, tourism, culture etc. The pro-
gram is totally accessible in order to provide
FCC participates one more year in the
Academic program on entrepre-
Training (60 h. – workshops and
professional business conferen-
A tutor per student.
Networking in the academic, busi-
ness, and entrepreneur fields.
Financial support for launching or
for expediting the business.
knowledge and the training tools to those
who have any type of disability – of the sen-
se, physical, mental – in different degrees of
More than 40 company executives and re-
ference companies participates as tutors
and mentors of the participants, contributing
their experience and knowledge for different
business ideas. One more year, FCC’s Cor-
porate Human Resources Department will
train part of the mentors who will be accom-
panying the entrepreneurs or will participate
in the contents of the courses provided in
the training program (for example, on legal,
labour, contractual, aspects and, on people
The program is totally free for participants
thanks to the funding provided by Fun-
dación Prevent and the collaboration of