Definition of the competencies
h e G r o u p
Leadership is the capability of being able
to have an influence on the team through
their motivation and development so that
these can contribute effectively and pro-
perly in achieving global success.
At FCC, we define the competency of
responsibility as a commitment to our
actions, decisions and their consequen-
ces and with the fulfilment of common
and individual objectives.
This competency is the ability to colla-
borate and participate actively, based
on mutual trust, with all team members
in order to achieve a common goal,
being responsible for our own actions
as the key for the success of global
This competency implies the achievement
of the expected objectives, with profitable
results, optimising available resources in
any context and contributing to the impro-
vement of processes.
Negotiation is the ability to identify the best
strategy, suggest alternatives in negotia-
tions thereby improving the solutions for
the parties involved and contributing to the
interests of the organisation.