The Board of Directors of Cementos Port-
land Valderrivas, meeting on 28 May 215,
unanimously approved the appointment
of Alicia Alcocer Koplowitz, representative
of EAC, Inversiones Corporativas, S.L, as
the chairman of the Company’s governing
Prior to this appointment, Alicia Alcocer
Koplowitz, was the vice-chairman of the
Board of Directors.
Esther Alcocer Koplowitz, President of
FCC, has received an award from the Co-
lombian Government for her contribution
to strengthening relations between Colom-
bia and Spain. The award was presented
by the Colombian Ambassador in Madrid,
Fernando Carrillo at the Colombian Em-
bassy in Madrid, on the National Day of
this country.
new chairman of
Cementos Portland
Alicia Alcocer Koplowitz,
Colombia awards
Esther Alcocer Koplowitz
for her contribution to strengthening relations with Spain
The President of Ifema, Luis Eduardo Cor-
tés, the Senator for Ceuta (born in Colom-
bia), Luz Elena Sanín Naranjo, the busi-
ness owner and horse-riding champion,
Kike Sarasola, and the Dean of the Uni-
versity Camilo José Cela, Eduardo Nolla
Blanco, also received awards at the event.
On behalf of everyone honoured at the
event, the President of FCC thanked the
Colombian Government with a quote from
the Colombian writer Álvaro Mutis, for
acknowledging “the dedication to impro-
ving and strengthening business ties bet-
ween our countries”. “Something we have
done, are doing and will continuing to do
at FCC”, she added, “because we believe
improvements and progress for all can only
be achieved through shared knowledge”.
The event was attended by the President
of Iberia, Luis Gallego, the Secretary of
State for International Cooperation and for
Latin America, Jesús Gracia Aldaz, and
the first Vice-president of FCC, Esther Ko-
plowitz, alongside representatives of other
diplomatic legations in Madrid and of the
Colombian community in Spain. The top
executive of the Spanish airline, Luis Ga-
llego, also present at the event, highlighted
the progress made by Iberia in strengthe-
ning ties between Colombia and Spain,
such as the recent launch of direct flights
from Madrid to Cali and Medellín, joining
the pre-existing direct flight to Bogotá.