New organization of the Central
Human Resources Department
As a result of the unification and standardi-
sation in the processing of information for
the analysis and evaluation of projects, in-
cluding those which are part of the portfo-
lio and those in the development process
for which the various corporate divisions
were bidding, and in order to trace and
ensure their financing, the Models and Va-
luations department was created as part
of the Corporate Finance Department and
reporting to Victor Pastor.
In addition, the Treasury and Financial
Control departments are merged into one
single unit and are no longer part of the
National Finance department.
The new
organizational chart
of the Corporate
Finance Department
The new organization of the Central Hu-
man Resources Department was made
with the permanent objective of impro-
ving the services provided by the Corpo-
rate General Organization Division.
Hence, the functions of the Human Re-
sources Department will be broken down
as follows:
Ana Benita Aramendia, Director of the
Legal Counsel, Labour Relations and
Safety and Health.
Ana Valderrábano González, Director
of Compensation, Administration and
Cristina Rodríguez Agudín, Director of
People Development.
Mercedes Medina Rojo, in charge of
Insurance, Self-Insurance and Hiring.
See organizational chart See organizational