implemented by FCC
An essential tool for the development of the Group’s employees
New competencies model
The current trend in the market and in the
scenario makes it a priority to define and
manage the key competencies that FCC’s
employees must have in order to be able to
compete efficiently. This explains why one
of the most important projects undertaken
by the Corporate Organization Department
in 2015 is to define and implement a simple
competencies management to enable the
comprehensive management of all of the
key people development processes.
These competencies will be an essential
aspect that will contribute to managing the
development and evolution of the Group’s
employees according to their potential,
aspirations and the current needs of the
company. It will also allow us, by working
on a global basis, to be a step ahead and
anticipate future needs.
Leadership, responsibility, teamwork, ear-
nings focus, and negotiation
are the five
competencies of the FCC Group which
comprise a series of capabilities and skills
required of the professionals that are part of
FCC so that we may be able to compete in
an efficient manner.
These competencies will be the fundamen-
tal leverage that will boost the growth of
FCC and, accordingly, of its professionals,
adding confidence and diversity.