Centralised Information Systems and
Technologies Management Model
As part of the transformation process un-
dertaken by FCC to improve the efficiency
and services in the Information Systems
and Technologies area, it was decided to
work with a centralised model for all of the
Group’s IT structures.
The IT structures of Aqualia, and of the
Construction and Environment divisions
now depend hierarchically and organically
on the Central Information Systems and
Management of IT demand will maintain
the same procedures and contact people
as has been the case until now.
The synergies and support among the
structures will bring the IT service to new
Your safety,
a priority for FCC
FCC employees often have to travel for
work purposes. On other occasions, tra-
vel is for extended or permanent stays in
places where there could be a situation of
certain risk. Accordingly, the Company’s
Safety Department has created a video
with recommendations based on the Self-
protection Manual which can be found in
the “Could be of interest” section in the in-
tranet. In both cases, it includes warnings
on how to increase personal safety, how to
prepare the trip, and how to protect our-
selves in the event of unforeseen situations.
It also provides relevant information such
as telephone numbers and advice on the
importance of being informed and having
some basic knowledge about the country
of destination prior to travelling there.
I does not matter what the destination is
since any place could entail risks.
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