very serious,
and mortal
The Instrucción de la Dirección General de
Organizacion (the Corporate Organization
Department’s Instructions) for reporting se-
rious, very serious, and mortal accidents
aims to set out the guidelines for the for-
mal in-house reporting of these accidents
throughout the various levels of the FCC
All current procedures for reporting of the
various occupational hazard prevention
management systems of the different de-
partments of FCC must be adapted to the
common framework that has been defined.
The regulation applies to all FCC Group
work centres worldwide that involve any
contract, service, concession, project, or
any other form of activity management.
companies such as FCC ad Cuatrecasas,
Gonçalves Pereira, Esteve, Serunión, OTP
and Prevencontrol. There is also an honours
committee comprising several members
such as the Conseller d’Empresa I Ocpaió
de la Generalitat, Felip Puig; the managing
director of ESADE, Eugènia Bleto; the chair-
man of Fundación Prevent, Antoni Llorens;
the chairman of the Spanish Committee of
Representatives of People with Disabilities
Young entrepreneurs
with good ideas
Some of the business ideas include
the creation of personalised children’s
books to teach values such as self-im-
provement and strength, tools for provi-
ding advice on accessible travel, or the
development of an artistic music and
theatre program for children.
Another project was one that was sub-
mitted by Alba, one of the participants
See instructions in PDF
in this second edition which, under the
slogan, “Being accessible is a question
of wanting it” aims to launch an acces-
sible pharmacy with specific products for
each type of disability, with information in
braille, workshops, and personalised at-
(CERML, Spanish acronym), Luis Cayo Pé-
rez Bueno; the regional representative of
ONCE in Catalonia, Xavier Grau; the Institu-
tional Secretary of ESADE, Enrique López-
Vigurla; the journalist Manuel Campo Vidal;
and the Secretary of Employment, Tourism,
and Culture of the Madrid Autonomous
Community, Isabel Mariño.