Committed to
The Ministry of Health, Social Affairs, and
Equality has been supporting for years the
application of equality policies for men and
women. FCC Aqualia was awarded the
Equality Seal in 2011 for its active Equal
Opportunities policy in all of its corporate
The recently-formed negotiation table. From left to right: María Teresa Solá (CCOO); Fernando Antón (CCOO); Carmen Rodríguez, Human Resources
Manager at Aqualia; Belén Sánchez (FCC); Isidoro Valverde (FCC); Diana Junquera (UGT) Gustavo Vargas (UGT); and María Ángeles Polo (FCC Aqualia).
A negotiation table was recently formed at
the Las Tablas headquarters in Madrid for
the new FCC Aqualia Equality Plan. The ta-
ble included members of the trade unions
and representatives of the company. The
new bases for the working plan were de-
fined in the first meeting which will stress
the measures that promote equality in hi-
ring, employment, and promotion. Carmen
Rodríguez, the Human Resources manager
said that “at FCC Aqualia, we have been
working on equality for more than three
years, with the commitment of the entire
organization and the support of senior ma-
nagement. All of this makes it possible for
the message to reach and see throughout
all of the Company’s departments.
What to do in
the event of a
Dynamics of a virtual kidnapping
in PDF
An increase in the number of virtual kidnap-
pings has been detected in recent months.
This is a new form of blackmailing consis-
ting of threatening somebody by phone
making them believe that they are victims
of a kidnapping. At the same time, the fa-
mily of the threatened individual receive te-
lephone calls from the alleged kidnappers
demanding a ransom in order to free the
This type of kidnapping occurs more fre-
quently in Central and South America as
well as in Spain. That is why we ask you
to check the Self-Protection Manual prepa-
red by the Organization Department which
contains advice on how to detect if you are
being threatened and the measures that
you should take.