Communication Network - Nº20 - page 77

The Road Safety Park in Alcobendas is a
facility designed for promoting road safe-
ty, Providing the practical means to users
required for appropriate training and safe
driving habits.
Managed by the local police force, the park
recreates a miniature circuit of the city with
traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, signa-
lling and roundabouts. It offers the possi-
bility of driving practices in a smaller-scale
Students ride on various types of vehicles
such as regular or electrical bicycles, karts,
mopeds and motorcycles and put into
practice the knowledge acquired in road
The facilities include a classroom for theo-
retical classes on road safety and education
that support and complement practical dri-
ving activities.
It also includes offices, a repair and mainte-
nance workshop for vehicles, a gardening
warehouse and a recreational area with
swings, benches and a fountain.
In operations since 1986
In operations since 1986, the park has be-
come a point of reference for training and
for building awareness among as users of
public thoroughfares and as future drivers.
Besides the children’s educational pro-
grams, it also provides courses on moped
and motorcycle driving safety, road safety
for people with special educational require-
ments, programs for the elderly, training for
civil protection volunteers and training pro-
grams for monitors of leisure and recreatio-
nal activities.
One of the most attractive features of the
training programs organized at the park
is the fact that the theoretical courses are
then put into practice at the park’s circuits
by students who drive their motorcycles,
mopeds, bicycles or karts.
Collaboration agreement
As part of this initiative, the Alcobendas
Town Council and FCC have entered into
The Road
Safety Park in
Alcobendas is a good
example of efficient
training and road safety
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