Communication Network - Nº20 - page 78

FCC’s track record in road safety
Since the creation of the Road Safety Stra-
tegic Plan in 2010 at FCC, there has been
an ongoing commitment to work on the so-
cial, work, and economic aspects of traffic
and travel and the necessity worldwide of
taking actions, building awareness, partici-
pating, and having a commitment.
Our lines of actions are driven by four basic
a collaboration agreement to promote joint
road safety and educational actions. The
agreement was signed by Ignacio García
de Vinuesa, the mayor of Alcobendas, and
by Francisco Martín de Monteagudo, ma-
naging director of FCC’s Human Resources
The agreement is the fruit of a meeting at
Gestiona Radio, a radio program in which
José Félix Gómez, the councilman for Citi-
zen Safety and Traffic at Alcobendas Town
Council, and Juan Carlos Sáez de Rus, the
director of FCC’s Corporate Division of Sa-
fety, Health, and Welfare.
At that meeting, the idea came up of joining
forces in awareness-building programs on
road safety, accidents, and mobility; trai-
ning and seminars on road safety, and other
projects on research, advisory services,
and the exchange of materials.
The actions carried out
As part of the agreement, “Dress the Park”
program at the Road Safety Park was born.
As part of this program, all the road simula-
tion elements and the installations of the va-
rious city furniture elements were installed
at the park. Various departments from di-
fferent areas and companies of FCC which
have signed the company’s Strategic Road
Occupational Hazards – Road Safety
The Plan on Medicine at Work - Health
on the Road.
Driving Education and Training Plan.
Mobility Plan.
European Road Safety Charter
Signatories of the European Road Safety
Charter since 2011, during these years, the
company has formed alliances with entities
focusing on Road Safety such as the Ma-
pfre Foundation – Road Safety Institute and
FESVIAL (the Spanish Road Safety Foun-
dation), carrying out specific actions aimed
at dissemination, awareness building, and
practical training.
The collaboration agreement that FCC Ci-
tizen Services and the Town Council of Al-
cobendas marks an important step for the
development of joint actions on road safety
and mobility, the fight against traffic acci-
dents, and the development and promotion
on road safety education for citizens.
The agreement was signed by Ignacio García de Vinuesa, the mayor of Alcobendas, and by Francisco
Martín de Monteagudo, managing director of FCC’s Human Resources division.
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