Communication Network - Nº20 - page 75

We are an
international reference
group in citizen services
which contributes to the
welfare and sustainable
progress of society
The review of FCC’s cultural framework,
based on these principles, resulted in the
definition of a series of attitudes and con-
ducts that the Group expects of each one
of us when we perform the competencies
and functions entrusted to us and which
can be summarised as in the following
The redefinition of the FCC cultural fra-
mework is only the first step. As in any
organisation, there is still a road to travel
until the corporate culture is understood
and then adopted as a way of being and
of performing in the company.
We began and end this collaboration with
Heskett. The mission, vision, principles,
attitudes, and conducts expected of ever-
yone in the organization is of little use if,
according to the HBS professor, we limit
ourselves to defining it and then putting it
away in a drawer. We must live them and
measure them in order to be a source of
competitiveness and efficacy. We should
all strive to achieve this.
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