Communication Network - Nº20 - page 67

On 9 September, the vice-councilman of
employment of the Madrid Community,
Juan Van Hallen; the general director of
Work, Mar Alarcón; representatives from
the Madrid Regional Institute of Safety and
Health, accompanied by the general mana-
ger of Prefabricados Delta, Rafael Villa and
FCC personnel, toured part of the Prefabri-
cados Delta factory in Humanes (Madrid).
Specifically, they visited the installations
where fibreglass-reinforced polyester pipes
are manufactured, a facility spreading over
an area of 8,000 m
, 3,100 m
of which are
indoor facilities.
The day started off with an introduction on
the company, its structure, materials, the
manufacturing processes and the applica-
tion of these products in different sectors
and continued with an interesting tour of
the facilities where these types of pipes are
During the visit they were able to confirm
how work conditions are controlled and the
safety and health measures implemented
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