Communication Network - Nº20 - page 59

Award ceremony
and publication of the
projects submitted
nal Health Department of the Federation of
Private Services of the trade Union Comi-
siones Obreras.
The FCC members represented in the pa-
nel of judges were:
Francisco Martín Monteagudo, FCC’s
General Manager of Human Resour-
Tomás Núñez Vega, General Manger
of International Services.
Antonio Pérez Gil, Manger of the
Central Regional Department of the
Construction Division.
José Manuel Illescas Villa, manager of
Pedro Rodríguez Medina, manager
of FCC Aqualia’s Corporate Develop-
Faustino Elías Morales, manager of
the Environment Division, Zone II.
The technical team in charge of organizing
the awards led by Juan Carlos Sáez de
Rus, Manager of FCC0s Corporate Division
of Safety, Health and Welfare, in apprecia-
tion of the participation, organised a perso-
nalised training activity on road safety for
the members of the panel of judges which
was given by specialists from FESVIAL.
This activity consisted of theoretical prac-
tices and information and training to build
awareness on the risks faced by drivers be-
hind the wheel (position of the seat, use of
the safety belt, headrest, the vehicle’s safe-
ty elements, airbags, etc.) which they were
able to put into practice later in their own
vehicles under the supervision of specialists
for the optimal position of the driver and
other people in the car to minimise injuries
in the event of an traffic accident.
The awards will be given out shortly
and a document will be published
containing the projects submitted (in-
cluding those for the 1st Edition of
the Prevention Awards) to dissemina-
te good practices and the measures
which have been implemented so that
everybody may know about these and
to promote their implementation in
other company activities.
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