Communication Network - Nº20 - page 64

FCC helps you to stop smoking
We propose that you abandon this un-
healthy habit and join our initiative that
will help you to improve your health.
At FCC, we want to promote a work en-
vironment with healthy people. That is
why we count on you to help us promote
health and to prevent the occupational
hazards related to our jobs. Building a
New prevention equipment is being tried
out at the FCC Environment facilities in
Bletchley (United Kingdom) which is the
first of its kind in the waste recycling and
management industry.
This technology, which could save lives,
involves a devise that is attached to a bra-
that saves lives
celet or hung from the neck that triggers an
alarm if a person comes too close to ma-
chinery or vehicles in operation. It warns
people that they are in a dangerous situa-
tion and it is believed that it will help prevent
accidents and injuries to workers at waste
management facilities.
Once the pilot test at Bletchley is comple-
ted, it will be implemented at the Luton
installations. If the results are satisfactory,
the safety system will be implemented at all
FCC facilities.
The locations with the highest risk will be
the first to receive the equipment as part of
a three-year campaign to prevent and redu-
ce serious accidents.
healthy company is the responsibility of all
of us.
The medical services of FCC are actively
involved in several initiatives organised to
promote a healthier work environment and
healthy habits, including quitting smoking.
Therefore, in June and coinciding with the
World Without Tobacco Day, several aware-
ness-building seminars were organised to
encourage people to stop smoking. The
FCC medical team made presentations at
four of our work sites: Balmes, Federico
Salmón / Comandante Azcárraga, Acanto
and Las Tablas.
These seminars were also accompanied
by information material based on the advi-
ce and data that all smokers should be
aware of. Are you ready to try to stop
smoking? Learn how we can help you
by calling the FCC Medical Services to
obtain information.
The Bletchley Landfill Site is 0.5 south-west of Bletchley and 0.5
kilometres northeast of Newton Longville, near Milton Keynes,
in Buckinghamshire county. The place is surrounded by fields of
crops, restored industrial land, and some suburban living areas.
It is bordered on the east by the Natural Blue Lagoon Reserve. It
can be reached from the west, through the access road from the
A4146, Drayton Road.
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