Communication Network - Nº20 - page 69

Conservación y Sistemas is a technological
company specialising in the design, insta-
llation, operations, and maintenance of tra-
ffic and shadow toll management systems
in intercity networks, tunnel safety installa-
tions, roads, railway tunnels as well as in
the maintenance and upkeep of urban in-
As part of the collaboration agreement
between the Regional Institute of Occupa-
tional Safety and Health (IRSST, Spanish
acronym) and FCC; last May the preven-
tion and occupational hazard technicians
Collaboration between the Regional lnstitute of Occupational
Safety and Health (lRSST, Spanish acronym)
the prevention technicians at Conservación y Sistemas
of this organization accompanied the per-
sonnel from Conservación y Sistemas in
a visit to the “Operations of the Municipal
Sewage Network of Madrid: Lot D: Sub-
basin South, West, Valdebebas and Rejas”
which is part of the sewage activities of the
Department of Urban Services, in order to
acquire deeper knowledge on the work
processes and the protection equipment
used in this activity.
The activities carried out in this zone are
classified as conservation work and sewa-
ge network cleaning.
For several days, they checked the inspec-
tion procedures at the part of the network
that can be visited and is tubular (interior
and exterior communication methods from
well to well, signalling, opening of the well)
and were shown the work carried out to
clean the sewers (the use of a tubular net-
work cleaning truck) as well as the tasks
involved in conservation and repairs.
During these processes, emphasis was
made on the importance of monitoring sa-
fety measures and on the sue of work equi-
pment such as the tripod for descending,
escalating, and rescue operations, the use
of a gas detector, the oxibox, the use of a
pole vault, head gear, gloves, boots, and
overalls, all of which are necessary to ensu-
re safety in the work processes.
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