Communication Network - Nº20 - page 60

New health promotion
campaign at the company
Taking care
of your back
Between 60& and 90& of the population suffers or will suffer
from back pain at one point in their lives and 36% of those
who are affected attribute it to their work activity.
This ailment is not limited to workers who work with heavy
loads: it also affects those whose work involves little physical
activity and there is a significant incidence among those who
spent a long time sitting down.
These figures are sufficient to prompt the Company to
launch a specific program aimed at preventing back pain
and at “re-educating” our spines.
In collaboration with the Prevention Department of FREMAP,
and as part of the activities conducted by the company to
promote health within the framework of the “Healthy Com-
pany” project, we are launching the “TAKING CARE OF
YOUR BACK” campaign designed by professional experts.
The objective is to provide workers with the appropriate
tools and theoretical-practical knowledge to prevent mus-
cle-skeleton and back disorders which, in many cases, are
caused by bad posture and unhealthy habits.
This campaign will be carried out until the end of the year
and will consist of training and the dissemination of informa-
tion promotional material such as:
Posters placed at strategic sites.
Information leaflets on specific subjects: “Back pain
hand the manual handling of loads”, “Back pain and
driving”, “Back pain and overweight”.
Training seminars at work places.
These actions, we hope, will provide workers with the tools
to identify the risks, to which they are exposed in their su-
rroundings, propose solutions and recommendations to di-
minish these risks, and to encourage the practice of similar
adequate measures for each individual and activity.
We hope to count with your collaboration to make FCC in-
creasingly safer and healthier. Participate!!
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